GCZ 世界総合圏Sekaisougouken

D望まれるパラダイムIdeal paradigm. 兼勤労の勧め Doubles as "recommendation for working "
GCZ is based on democracy. We do not accept totalitarian regime.
◆望まれる準拠思想哲学Ideal paradigm and philosophy of conformity philosophy

◆[世界の思想哲学は三元論に収斂されるThe philosophy of philosophy of the world converges to the Trialism.:[三元論Trialism 三元論基本形Trialism Basic form
・[キー思想Key philosophy:円環の思想The thought of the ring永劫回帰Eternal return日本のことわざproverb of Japan愛の心 Mind of love]SOH それは、心の象徴だ。 [It is a symbol of the mind(SOH)].

◆GLN 自力思想への序曲Overture to self-help effort thought.
There are two sides to all things in nature. Also in life and ideological paradigm (framework and codes), each with two sides.
Keywords: in the world of gods syncretism, both sides coexist
This is a Japanese proverb that is a word that converged to gather Ulamoth skillfully and try to direct the original human gratifications. There are proverbs in Christianity, Islam, and so on in each part of the world. (The proverb should not be simply a word play, it must embody the human nature) That is, this is Japanese harmony,syncretism thought.
Compare it to a human being:When bright is activity (training, labor, entertainment leisure. When it is dark to rest (cultivation, training, fermentation, digestion)

Keywords:Literal:A bride becomes a mother-in-law. Interpretation:Change of man's circumstances is sharp.
Keywords:Later in the evening will be night, then in the evening will be noon
 キーワード「玉琢かざれば、器を成さず 磨かざれば、光なし」
Keywords:Literal:Unless it polishes jewelry, it does not shine.Interpretation:Learning and culture are important in order to become a splendid human being.
Icon star as self-help effort thought.
あれが私の霊だ。「霊星」だ。That is my spirit. It is "Icon star".
Various keywords.
あ アイコンスター Icon star
か かがやいた Was dazzling
さ 燦燦と降る星たちよ Brightbrilliant falling stars
た 訪ねて行こう Let's visit
な 何億何千の中から From hundreds of thousands
は 浜の真砂と繋がっている It is connected with the sand on the beach.
ま マイスター My star
や やがて見つかるマイラッキースター Finally found my lucky star.
ら ラッキーな星たちよやがて見つかる Lucky stars will soon be found.
わ 私のシンボルスター My symbol star

"Icon star = god".  宇宙に存在する。星のうち、
It exists in the universe. It's a star.
Icon star is the star (god) (including the constellation) as you wish as the goal of your self - help effort. Words can be arbitrarily added irrespective of the previous narrative or narrative such as stories. For example, if you find the Southern Cross as an icon star, you are wishing to give people a nice guideline.

生きがいの目標Goal of living.
Keywords: Icon star you chose as your goal, a number of reasons and wording give people a sense of living and gratifications.
Keywords: Return to beginners Your dreams.

Meaning of living "deep satisfaction":It is to make your goals and make efforts (encouragement) to achieve that goal. Even if it is a very hard effort, it remains in your mind. It inscribes the most rewarding life as your pleasant memory.

Keywords:Smile can be gifted for free.
Keywords:To believe.

◆愛の心・愛の代償A heart of affection. Compensation for affection.
Keywords:"Do not expect compensation for affection"

愛の心とは A heart of affection.
The most familiar affection is to deal with our children 's clumsiness. Clumsiness in this case is that young children leak exudates. This is not a parent's duty but a parent's instinctive affection. The child acquires and remembers this thing inherently. So, the bond between parent and child is hard, it is deep affection. Therefore parents do not expect children for the price of love. Children admire parents naturally.

keyword:Literal:Hate will be born if there is too much love. Interpretation:If love is strong; hatred can be born.
keyword:Literal:Sympathy is not for others. Interpretation:There is beneficence for the person and for me.
keyword:Smile can be gifted for free.
keyword:Happiness is a bright future exists.
keyword:It was recognized that gratifications was conscious as a human being,It is a nature(Emotional expression) to be shared with all human beings forever.
keyword:There is no reception plate for a tolerance for others.
keyword:Rather than complain about darkness, let's turn on the light with your corner. Rather than say a dark and complaint, click on the lights you are willing.
keyword:Wealth exists to be lost.
keyword:Happiness exists for a bright future.

◆世界宗教の迷い Lost in world religion.
Biblical religion based on salvation by absolute faith, religion to Buddhism should not be forced to people.
keyword:"Absolute salvation by faith is a sealed endless long distance train with unknown destinations running on a single track" キーワード「貴方の目標はキリスト者になることですか」
keyword:"Does your goal be a Christian?
keyword:"Have you become a Christian and are dying like Jesus?" キーワード「イエス・キリストのように果敢に体制にプロテストするのですか」
keyword:"Do you boldly" protest "all the systems like Jesus Christ?

◆世界宗教の功罪 The merits and demerits of world religion.
 世界宗教(聖書宗教、仏教は)、いわゆる現在困苦があるという前提で成立する。 World religion (Biblical religion ・ Buddhism) is established on the assumption that there is so-called present difficulty.
At that time in Biblical religion, the proportion of non-healthy people to the birthrate had not been improved remarkably(The reason for this was food shortage due to desertification.)
The mission of Biblical religion was to reduce the birthrate of non-healthy people and to increase the birthrate of healthy people.
It is a concept of "a healthy spirit lives in a healthy body" In other words, it is a strong slogan. "Power is justice.The religion of the Bible is now exceeding the world.

On the other hand, in Buddhism, it is a premise that you can not escape from the suffering of aging disease death, if you are worried about living difficulties and not born above that.Buddha created a way of life and strategy of overcoming, escaping from that suffering (Priest). But to live, you must ensure that your life is guaranteed.To that end, the monk used a custom called "Charity" (paradigm). After that, the priest adopted a concession of the memorial service to stabilize the life of the Priest group. Japanese Buddhism has been succeeded (by monks) under the policymaker.

In other words, the world religion is basically a religion which relies on religious beliefs in scriptures and scriptures (absolute salvation by faith).
 聖書宗教は、「健全なる精神は、健全なる身体に宿る」という概念である。 Biblical religion is the concept of "a healthy spirit lives in a healthy body".
However, world religion has resisted opponents since the Rikkyo, humanity has made remarkable progress due to the constant clergy's constant efforts and wisdom. That is, food hunger is overcome by wisdom of wise men and diligence. Pain has also been greatly relaxed by advances in medical technology. However, human beings are already entering an era of Self-help effort. In other words, people expect application of the trialism.

奇跡について Miracle.
 最近、欧米イズムに被れた日本の亡者たち(=ドクター、教授プロフェショナル マスコミ・自称インテリゲンチャ 知識人などでの軽薄な偽知識人たちは 盛んに民主的パラダイムによって選出 された体制にプロテストすることで生きがいを求め(それは、民主主義の曲解なのだが)、なんでも反対・異議ありと、対案を示さないで反対と、反対しなければ、反民主主義だととか、先見の明がない、知能レベルが低いなどと、喧伝している、と盲目的にプロテストしている愚の骨頂だ、


B公道清掃ボランティアで排ガスを吸いながら働き,その公道をマラソンランナーが走って好記録を出した時とか  働く喜び(=労働の意義)はこのような価値観へと傾斜して行くでしょう。⇒幸福感の新たな理念です。働く喜びは、かけがいのない究極な喜びなのだ


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